Location: Melbourne, Australia

An Australian from a Chinese background who loves the India Yoga System taught by Sri. Pattabhi Jois. This page is a study note of the classic sutra of Tao Teh Ching by the Great Lao Tzu.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

On Goals


This is an excerpt of the Biography of Chuang Tzu, by Wang Xinmin. I had been reading this book for the last few days.
We had always had goals. In schools we are taught so, in families, the parents set the goal for us. The Tao, however, is goalless. The Tao is in everything, be it spiritual or material. A trader friend told me he forgot how much he is going to make or lose when he was actively trading the stock market. Had he worried about the outcome of the trade, he would have lost. Here he had a taste of Tao in trading. In Yoga practice, the same Tao applies. If the goal is to be able to practice the first Asthtanga Primary Series, the essence of yoga is lost in the goal. If the goal is not to have a goal, then Tao itself is lost. Whatever we do, share concentration is the most important thing, and in fact the only thing that matters. It is only then, perfection is achieved.
Non-attachment is all reaching, in every aspect of life. The obvious ones are fame and wealth, but it also applies to sainthood and spiritual advancement. When true non-attachment is with one person, he non-attachment itself is not discipline for him. A monk meditates all his life in attempt to know the Tao is sadly no different to someone who attempt to achieve fame or wealth all his life.


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